Friday, October 13, 2006

Marvin Explains Himself

In which Marvin gives examples to support his loving criticism of Love in Action. He also greets all his commenting friends and reveals how the men in ministry at Sword of Truth keep themselves from getting caught up with Internet filth.
this is an audio post - click to play


At 2:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about something like "Healing Touch" or "Safeguard" for your ministry?

-Jon in Iowa City

At 9:26 PM , Blogger grace said...


How about "Living GrAYce"

I'm enjoying your broadcasts. :)

At 3:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Marvin - how about Let Him Come Inside You for your ministry ? I think it would get the attention you deserve...

I think we need your ministry over here in the UK too . We've got all these guys coming over here telling us its 'ok' to be gay - as if we didnt have enough liberal pinko's in our own clergy ! I so hear what you say about the watering down of the Word too - after all an abomination is an abomination : you know ? as in abominable snowmen and all that . I right or am I right ?

At 3:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Marvin

Well I liked the garden idea - you know I have a big garden and I was only thinking as I weeded and pruned for the winter yesterday thats it was so like God's work in our lives - getting rid of all that unwanted growth so we can bear fruit and be healthy

But I like the straight way idea as well - especially as it is so scriptual.Your Pastor must really know his bible .After all God said the crooked will be made straight and that he wanted a straight highway thru the desert an'all . I dont see why gay people cant see how this means so clearly that you have to at least act straight if you wanna follow in God's way ?? Like DUH ??!!!

At 1:30 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Grace, I think you may run the risk of the same sin of pride that Marvin nearly got into with "God's Garden--Bloom Anew in Jesus". He must increase; we must decrease...

I believe Marvin has found a real ally in you. Good, I fear that many of us just see things so differently then he does. But bless his heart he seeks to be honest and pure.
Perhaps "The Crooked Made Straight" would be an even better name than Straight Way. Hmmm.


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